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Would you consider adapting your data security to the highest level?

Discover, Secure and Manage Your Critical Information with Adaptive DLP Solutions from Clearswift.

Clearswift E-Mail Security & Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Our unique technology supports a straightforward and ‘adaptive’ data loss prevention solution.

Unlike traditional DLP solutions which ‘stop and block’ communication, Clearswift provides a disruption-free approach to protecting the unauthorized loss of critical data for e-mail security, web security, endpoint security and information governance enabling secure continuous collaboration which is so important for todays’ global business.

Adaptive DLP

Adaptive Security

Content and context-based real-time correction, blocking, encryption, deletion or migration.

Automated Redaction and Anonymization

Unique detection and removal of sensitive and hidden data.

Delay-Free Zero-hour Protection

Unsigned malware removal, detection of many formatted variants.


Detection and cleaning of sensitive data embedded in image files.

Document Sanitization

Cleaning hidden data (change history, comment lines, metadata fields) in documents.

Structural Sanitization

Removes embedded malware, including malware that may carry an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT).